
Web UI Frameworks

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Below follows a list compiled mostly in April 2020 of various UI Frameworks for the web, including the date of their last update (added 2022).

Afterwards there are a few links I also found useful in my research.


milligram/milligram (2020)
default in Phoenix, but has been inactive for almost a year. Also doesn't seem to support CSS3 & customization well

dhg/Skeleton (2014)

Very old, but has many derivatives. Uses own Box system.

Skelet. a contemporary CSS framework (2022)
dark mode support, active community
Meshki UI (2021)
Fully Dark by default, but a little heavier with javascript n stuff
skeleton-framework/skeleton-framework (2018, checked 2022)
inactive, but apparently because it works well for the authors - uses old grid system and lacks extensive documentation, but has basic animations & stuff
acahir/Barebones (2019)
some modernizations to Skeleton, has adaptive dark/light theme > While there are several other active forks of Skeleton, Barebones differs by requiring no external tools or dependencies such as CSS pre-processors. Simply download and go.


Using Bootstrap and Sass in Phoenix

Installing Bootstrap on Phoenix isn't hard

Bulma: Free, open source, and modern CSS framework based on Flexbox

CSS only, but still full-features, uses variables for easy dark mode

Foundation for Sites | Foundation for Sites

Medium-sized with quite some JS, but overall nice impression with animation support & other cool features


Modern & full-featured


Suggestion by a classmate - bootstrappish but more versatile and cleaner imo, gzip: ~300kb


Most commonly used, but heavy, relies on jQuery

→ Clean Dark Theme: https://bootswatch.com/darkly/





-> Tailwind needs a bit more work as it does not have inbuilt components, but more flexible and performant

What is the best light-weight alternative to Bootstrap?

Bulma frequently recommended, also has many articles about the topic, have to look into it again

https://riazxrazor.herokuapp.com/bootstrap-to-tailwind (to be tested)




How to build a responsive grid system | Zell Liew

Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs

Cool foundation, but would probably need too much work, probably too customizable for me



for a minimal good-looking style
Skelet with a simple JS snippet
for our small 2020 project
probably Meshki or Bulma
for bigger projects
Tailwind, Foundation

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