
Automating VM Setup with cloud-init on TrueNAS Scale

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I hate repeated manual labor. So I set out to use my experience gained with cloud-init in experimenting with Harvester to automate the setup of Virtual Machines with the help of https://blog.robertorosario.com/setting-up-a-vm-on-truenas-scale-using-cloud-init/.

A few notable things to mention:

The section "BOTH" contains a few variable definitions that should be provided before every of the other commands. The "LOCAL" section exists because the cloud-image-utils package is needed and TrueNAS Scale does not allow you to easily install packages. It will presume you provided a suitable cloud-init config in <VM-Name>-seed.qcow.yaml and then convert and copy it over to the TrueNAS Scale server (which I shorthanded as nas in my ssh config). All other variables should be self-explanatory. I did not extract the size of the disks into variables because we usually just go with lavish defaults due to our setup having plenty of space (>100TB).

Here are the commands in a compacted fashion, for easy copying out:


${EDITOR:-nano} $SEEDFILE.yaml
cloud-localds --verbose $SEEDFILE $SEEDFILE.yaml




 # do not use genericcloud here as it is missing CDROM drivers
 # extra data volume, comment out to omit
VM_MEMORY=$(expr 8 \* 1024)

sudo zfs create -V 40G "${VM_PATH}"
test -n "${VM_DATA}" && sudo zfs create -V 150G "${VM_DATA}"
cd "${IMAGE_PATH}"
test -e "$(basename ${VM_IMAGE})" || wget "${VM_IMAGE}"
case "${VM_IMAGE}" in
(*.raw) sudo dd if=$(basename ${VM_IMAGE}) of=/dev/zvol/${VM_PATH} status=progress bs=1M;;
(*) sudo qemu-img convert -O raw $(basename ${VM_IMAGE}) /dev/zvol/${VM_PATH};;

# Create the VM
RESULT=`midclt call vm.create '{"name": "'${VM_NAME}'", "cpu_mode": "HOST-MODEL", "bootloader": "UEFI_CSM", "cores": 2, "threads": 2, "memory": '${VM_MEMORY}'}'`
VM_ID=`echo ${RESULT} | jq '.id'`
# Add the display
midclt call vm.device.create '{"vm": "'${VM_ID}'", "dtype": "DISPLAY", "order": 1004, "attributes": {"web": true, "type": "VNC", "bind": "", "password": "'${VM_PASSWORD}'", "wait": false}}'
# Obtain a random MAC address
MAC_ADDRESS=`midclt call vm.random_mac`
# Add the NIC
midclt call vm.device.create '{"vm": "'${VM_ID}'", "dtype": "NIC", "order": 1010, "attributes": {"type": "VIRTIO", "nic_attach": "br0", "mac": "'${MAC_ADDRESS}'"}}'
# Add the root disk
midclt call vm.device.create '{"vm": "'${VM_ID}'", "dtype": "DISK", "order": 1001, "attributes": {"path": "/dev/zvol/'${VM_PATH}'","type": "VIRTIO"}}'
# Add a data disk
midclt call vm.device.create '{"vm": "'${VM_ID}'", "dtype": "DISK", "order": 1002, "attributes": {"path": "/dev/zvol/'${VM_DATA}'","type": "VIRTIO"}}'
# Add the CDROM
midclt call vm.device.create '{"vm": "'${VM_ID}'", "dtype": "CDROM", "order": 1005, "attributes": {"path":"'${IMAGE_PATH}${SEEDFILE}'"}}'	  

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